Read the brief here.
Editor's note: Was anyone involved in the early days of setting up the commissions? As early as Military Order No. 1? I am interested in any evidence that some of the motivation for a separate system was to experiment with a more expedited process that might be translatable to domestic civilian cases. This may have been motivated by the tough-on-crime rhetoric of the 90s. I once asked Bill Lietzau whether this was an early motivation and he responded with a single word: "No." Of course, the primary motivation was a hunch that one day a case like Al-Hela would be decided.
Donald G Rehkopf, Jr.
7/8/2021 10:34:03 am
Brenner - I was tasked by NACDL to "look into" this days after the Order in October of 2001 was issued by Rumsfeld. I'll email you separately. Comments are closed.
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