You have an appellate client who refused trial defense counsel and now refuses to talk with you about his appeal so you can properly represent him. Point being, you cannot form an attorney-client relationship. You may have been appointed as appellate counsel, but until you talk to the client and he accepts your representation there is no A/C--is there? We might find out because of this mysterious journal entry at CAAF. Monday, August 16, 2021 The Google will tell you Casey is a Marine judge advocate. A quick search on the NMCCA website will tell you that he must be assigned to Appellate Defense (Code 45) because his name is on a number of cases. But that is it. The NMCCA website does not have the Order online. This may be an oversight. NMCCA does publish Orders from time to time. As the Spanish might say, ¿donde esta PACER? Update (20/08), with some additional questions, and perhaps more to come:
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