A reader sent us this story from the Daily Wire: Active Duty, Retired Naval Intelligence Members Told They Cannot ‘Disrespect’ Biden Over Afghanistan Debacle
One should keep this in mind the next time someone says retiree prosecutions are rare, and that therefore we shouldn't care that much about retiree jurisdiction. The threat of prosecution may be much less rare, and also works to chill expressive conduct and speech.
8/28/2021 01:58:00 pm
I cannot think of a better way to highlight the absurdity of retiree jurisdiction.
Nathan Freeburg
8/28/2021 04:09:31 pm
Such a prosecution probably would end retiree jurisdiction. Either by the SC or Congress. Which is why they won’t do it.
8/28/2021 08:25:12 pm
Agreed, which is why it continues to plod along. Serious enough of a threat to chill free speech, but not serious enough for anyone to kill it.
Lone Bear
8/28/2021 08:58:30 pm
Consider the source, a fantasy conservative news site.
8/31/2021 01:50:55 am
Yeah, because a Democrat admin would never try to silence a retired officer. Meanwhile, Trump was called every name under the sun by active and retired members.
Current DC
8/31/2021 08:44:03 am
So was President Clinton
8/31/2021 01:05:01 pm
I was around for the Clinton ire. It was common, but not intense. It was over issues like don't ask don't tell, draft dodging and nativity, real or perceived. Comments are closed.
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