Lone Bear
10/16/2021 01:18:44 pm
It’s pretty bad, really undermines our system when politicians step in and support an accused who clearly undermines unit discipline and cohesion. Even those who agree with him should understand you can’t troll your CoC on a national level and go. Unpunished.
Newt Hall
10/16/2021 02:48:07 pm
The only person punished for the disgrace of these last few months, was the sole officer who spoke out against it.
10/16/2021 06:48:54 pm
Do you have personal knowledge that Lt Col Scheller was the only officer who was held accountable for the withdrawal? He may have been the only one court-martialed...but to presume nobody faced even a markdown on their performance report? I'm certain many were held to account. You just didn't read about them on page one.
10/17/2021 06:17:35 pm
CTC, the RCM you are looking for is 305 (not 302) and the standard is not simply that the confinee would continue to engage in misconduct but that he would engage in “serious criminal misconduct.”
10/17/2021 08:40:52 pm
Correction noted, thanks. I'm open to the idea that Lt Col Scheller's continued disobedience wasn't "serious" enough to justify PTC, but I've lost that argument countless times in cases of similar disobedience (e.g. repeatedly breaking restriction or failure to go) where the misconduct was not occurring on the world stage. 10/18/2021 08:29:34 am
1. It is rare for officers to go to PTC.
10/18/2021 10:21:38 am
Great post, with cites! Thank you, Mr. Cave. 10/18/2021 12:20:19 pm
The nice thing about Suzuki credit was that you could get up to 3 for 1, rather than what now seems to be ???
10/18/2021 01:43:10 pm
Phil, 10/18/2021 02:21:23 pm
Ryan, you are correct and that was the case I had in mind. And I agree I may have overgeneralized the case above. Cheers. Comments are closed.
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