Today is the final business day of Chief Judge Stucky's term. Next week the Stucky Court will become the Ohlson Court. While we will be commissioning some essays about CJ Stucky's tenure in the near future, today we wish to simply say: farewell and thank you for your service.
"Sic transit gloria mundi" -- CJ Stucky, 2018, reflecting on the impending end of his term.
Lone Bear
7/30/2021 11:22:16 am
He made the arguments worth watching, charismatic and straight forward judge. Military law will be a little less interesting without him.
7/30/2021 01:55:24 pm
*Military law will be a LOT less interesting without him.
Buck Melanoma
8/3/2021 09:27:41 pm
Also, winner of the best reference to "the livery of seisin" in an oral argument. Comments are closed.
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