Global Military Reform Blog will hold its next Town Hall with Lieut. Col. Dan Maurer (West Point) who will speak on Going Deeper than the "Purpose" of Military Justice: Determining its Logic after Ortiz v. United States (Town Hall 7, Sept. 15, 2020, 0900 East Coast US Time). Please join us, and feel free to pass this invitation along to others who may be interest. The TH is open to all Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 693 528 3348 Passcode: BillyBudd (If Zoom asks for a password, it's BillyBudd. If that doesn't work, try 146093266) GMJR TH's have drawn participants from around the world. Should you join, please put your microphone on mute, to avoid the background noise interreference unless asking a question. Phil CaveComments are closed.
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