‘Sir, you know what he did to me’ — An open letter to the Marine general handling my sexual harassment case: A Marine’s plea for justice and accountability following a substantiated investigation into her sexual harassment complaint
"Commanders hold the specific duty of proactively preventing such behaviors. At the very least, a documented history of bullying and sexual abuse should be grounds for immediate separation. Any punishment short of this empowers the offender to repeat this unforgivable behavior and continue to hurt other service members. I know that your command is capable of taking such swift action when an offense is deemed reprehensible enough. Just recently, one of your female lieutenants was accused of fraternizing with an enlisted Marine during a training exercise. She was immediately removed from her unit and deemed unfit for command by both her peers and superiors. She will likely never be allowed to lead Marines again. Meanwhile, the male lieutenant who demeaned me with sexually-charged language on a daily basis and sought to destroy my professional reputation — all because I refused to sleep with him — has pursued a successful career within your command and will continue to be eligible for promotion." 11/17/2021 10:24:45 am
Reading about this Marine's experience is enlightening, though if we are to develop an informed perspective about the potential injustice it would be useful to hear from Major General Donovan. Media justice in the court of public opinion doesn't have quite the same indicia of fairness as the procedural justice that is pursued in an actual legal/regulatory system. 11/18/2021 01:24:15 pm
The Devil you say ... Comments are closed.
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