10/27/2020 01:17:35 pm
I just want to say thank you for sharing this post. I realize some (many?) readers may disagree, but it says much about CAAFlog - all of it good - that it entertained this perspective. Thanks again, Charlie
10/27/2020 01:55:38 pm
Professor Dunlap.
Charles Dunlap
10/27/2020 02:50:34 pm
Thank you so much for the comment! I do think that military commanders are worthy of trust, but you make a good point about being wary of polls (and my next post is going to have something to do with it). Again, many thanks! (And this is the kind of dialogue that a) is good for the public (and students!) to see, and b) will make CAAFlog a dynamic forum for real discussion. Respectfully, Charlie
10/27/2020 04:32:55 pm
From the horse's mouth everybody.
10/27/2020 05:34:45 pm
Prof. Dunlap: is it your position that had the soldiers at Kent State refused to open fire as commanded that they would have been liable for disobedience (under a state military law analogue)?
Charlie Dunlap
10/27/2020 05:52:30 pm
Hi Poster2!
Charlie Dunlap
10/28/2020 09:03:36 am
Hi Poster2!
Don Rehkopf
10/28/2020 12:50:40 pm
Charlie - two things and thanks for engaging here. First, there was indeed an Order at Kent State:
Charlie Dunlap
10/28/2020 01:43:13 pm
Hi Don!
Don Rehkopf
10/28/2020 04:35:58 pm
Charlie - we can agree to disagree, but I worked on the Kent State civil suit as an ACLU volunteer. The FBI seized the original tape [reel-to-real] a day or two afterwards and their report came back "inconclusive." The Judge would not order the FBI to allow an independent analysis of the tape, but did order that a copy be made - at the time, the evidentiary value was to demonstrate just how long the volley of shots lasted for the jury. After the civil settlement, things more or less stopped - with the exception of a couple of the wounded students.
Brenner M. Fissell
10/28/2020 02:56:29 pm
Professor Dunlap,
Charlie Dunlap
10/28/2020 04:06:53 pm
Hi Brenner!
10/28/2020 03:41:29 pm
Thank you for posting this. I have to admit I had a bit of an uneasy feeling when I first read about the orders project. This post articulates some excellent points and adds to a wider perspective of the issue.
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