In Re Rules Advisory Committee: Pursuant to C.A.A.F. Rule 45, the following persons are hereby appointed as members of the Rules Advisory Committee, effective October 1 2021, for a term expiring on September 30, 2024: Thomas E. Booth, Esq. Audrey B. Critchley, Esq. Dwight H. Sullivan, Esq. The following members, whose terms expire on the dates indicated below, remain on the Rules Advisory Committee: To expire on September 30, 2022: Professor Steven H. Goldblatt (Chair) Ms. Carol K. Joyce, Esq. Ms. Michelle Lindo McCluer, Esq. To expire on September 30, 2023: William A. DeCicco, Esq. Matthew G. Kaiser, Esq. Rebecca S. Snyder, Esq. The Clerk of the Court is an ex officio member of the Committee and serves as Reporter. " Comments are closed.
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